The Landscape Design Process
Whether you desire an elaborate retreat to entertain your family and friends or simply wish to increase the curb appeal of your home through appropriate plantings – GARY HERBERT ASSOCIATES is ready to guide you every step of the way. Just as no two people or situations are exactly the same, we strongly feel that no two landscapes should be identical. It is our goal to create outdoor spaces that are uniquely tailored to our client’s specific lifestyles and tastes. This only happens when good communication exists between client and designer. So we start by talking to you and listening carefully to what you say. That’s where the process begins. We will make every effort to make the landscape design process as personal and as simple for you as possible.
"Absolutely loved working with Gary for landscaping our North Center home. He was responsive to my many questions and thoughful in his recommendations. I appreciated his respect for the amount of time I have to tend the plants and feel he put together a plan that is easy for me to maintain but still looks beautiful. I highly recommend his work."
Erin M./Chicago, IL
Erin M./Chicago, IL